the coffeeshop

Continuing the Coffeehouse Tradition of Supporting Starving Artists


Friday, October 3, 2008


Yellow is unsightly in large can be grossly overwhelming.
Washed out or pale, it is lovely, like the warm glow of candlelight on a tablecloth.

Yellow is a jealous tyrant, dominating and enslaving the eye. One must exert authority over its unruliness, rationing it to small portions. Take for instance, the sun. To our eyes it is minimized to a tiny, pretty yellow dot in the sky. Maybe God's way of telling us to use yellow sparingly was to fling that burning ball far away from the earth.

In small portions, yellow is sunshine (literally) and happiness. Like my yellow Mary Janes. They peep out from under my jeans like shy little canaries, the one on the right with a childish appliqué sun stitched on, a reminder of how the Creator uses His pallet.

I think Emily
Dickenson says it best. And I found this poem after I wrote this, so it was just that much more perfect.

Nature Rarer Uses Yellow
by Emily Dickenson

Nature rarer uses Yellow

Than another Hue.

Saves she all of that for Sunsets

Prodigal of Blue

Spending Scarlet, like a Woman
Yellow she affords

Only scantly and selectly
Like a Lover's Words.


Jessica @ COSDesign said...

Beautifully written. I just added your link to the blogs I follow :)

p.s. I was reading your profile and noticed that you like emery - that is a definite plus! I'm a big fan :D

javachip said...

Yay! thanks! yes, emery is awesome. I have a giant emery poster above my desk. :)